
Carrots orange and healthy


Children eat carrots from a young age and carrots are known for their good qualities to the eyes. 
They are delicious in taste and a commonly used ingredient in dishes. Are carrots really healthy and where does the orange colour of carrots come from?

Read here more about carrots


What is night blindness

People are fast in saying that they are night-blind. They don’t see for a while in the dark and cry I am night-blind. Everyone has trouble adjusting their eyes from dark to light and vice versa, but you're not immediately night-blind.
What is night blindness exactly and what can you do against it?
Read more here!


Hub Earnings Month July 2012

In June 2012 I first started to write on Hubpages. I wrote about 9 hubs that month. I also joined the Amazon program.

In July 2012 I wrote about 7 new hubs, because I was on vacation. However, I did reach my goal, I wrote more than 5 hubs this month. I found out that articles about health and diets do best.

Earnings increased a bit. For Amazon I still didn’t earn anything, but I got two clicks.

Earnings for the month July 2012

This are my earnings for the month July 2012.

Earnings Hubpages earnings program
Amazon earnings
June 2012
July 2012


Still achieving the same goals, earning 50 dollars a month.

Two goals I will try to achieve the upcoming months;
  1. Making 50 hubs.
  2. Aim to write at least 5 hubs a month.
At least these goals will be achievable and I will keep you informed next months about my earnings.