
Hubpages Earnings Month August 2012

In June 2012 I first started to write on Hubpages. I wrote about 9 hubs that month. I also joined the Amazon program.

In July 2012 I wrote about 7 new hubs, because I was on vacation. However, I did reach my goal, I wrote more than 5 hubs this month. I found out that articles about health and diets do best.

In August 2012 I wrote only 2 new hubs, I didn’t reach my own goals. I hope this is only temporary, because of vacation.

Fun part is that the earnings increased a lot (+ 230%). Still not 50 dollars a month, but I will get there!
For Amazon I still didn’t earn anything, but I got 15 clicks!

Earnings for the month August 2012

This are my earnings for the month August 2012.

Earnings Hubpages earnings program
Amazon earnings
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012


I still would like to achieve the following goals.

Three goals I will try to achieve the upcoming months;
1.     Making 50 hubs.
2.     Aim to write at least 5 hubs a month.
3.     Try to earn 50 dollar a month.
At least these goals will be achievable and I will keep you informed next months about my earnings.

Please leave a reply if you earn money with Hubpages or if you have a blog about it.

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