
Birthstones and their history

Sapphire belongs to September
Gemstones, is there a more fun and valuable gift? 

A long time gemstones are used as jewelry but not only that. Gemstones are used in amulets for extra luck and to avert the misfortune or an illness to cure. 
Some stones were going to hear to a particular month, a zodiac sign or date of birth. 
It's nice to see the history behind the stone to know and to find out which stone belongs to which month and what characteristics are attributed to the stone.

Read more here


Birthstones, month stones and gemstones

Gemstones are fun to give away. Whether it is a piece of jewellery or a hug stone actually makes little difference. But where goes your attention to when you’re buying a gemstone? 
Beautiful yellow amber!

Do you look primarily to the colour of the stone that appeals to you or do you also look at the meaning of the colour of the stone.

Additionally, you can also buy gemstones associated with a particular zodiac sign, or stones that are associated with a month or even a particular day of the week.


Hubpages Earnings Month September 2012

In June 2012 I first started to write on Hubpages. I wrote about 9 hubs that month. I also joined the Amazon program.

In July 2012 I wrote about 7 new hubs, because I was on vacation. However, I did reach my goal, I wrote more than 5 hubs this month. I found out that articles about health and diets do best.

In August 2012 I wrote only 2 new hubs, I didn’t reach my own goals. I hope this is only temporary, because of vacation.

In September I wrote only 1 new hub, I again didn’t reach my own goals, but this time I have a good reason! I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, which consumed all of my attention.  Still a little bit tired from the broken nights, but he is wonderful!

Like last month earnings increased, while I didn’t do a lot to promote the articles or write new ones. They increased with 165%. For Amazon I got 3 clicks, but didn’t earn anything there.

Earnings for the month September 2012

This are my earnings for the month September 2012.

Earnings Hubpages earnings program
Amazon earnings
June 2012
July 2012
August 2012
September 2012


I still would like to achieve the following goals.

Three goals I will try to achieve the upcoming months;

  • Making 50 hubs.
  • Aim to write at least 5 hubs a month.
  • Try to earn 50 dollar a month.
At least these goals will be achievable and I will keep you informed next months about my earnings.

Please take a view at my profile on HubPages and follow me if you like :-)